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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Went looking for a nightstand...

So I wanted to make my youngest a play kitchen out of a nightstand. Got the idea on Pinterest, big shock I know. Anyway  I headed over to Tiffany's, aka the Goodwill, and there were no nightstands in stock...but I ran across this beauty for $15.

It needed a little elbow grease, I sanded the whole thing down, primed it, panted the base a black gloss & the top a flat white. I did flat on top so the stenciling would adhere and sealed the whole thing when I was done.

I got the stencil online just by typing in train track stencil. I painstakingly traced out the track design I wanted onto think plastic "paper" and used a stencil cutter to cut out my design.
Then I laid it all out on the table and started stenciling my tracks. Except for the cows all the other details I did freehand using stencil paint.

To the right of my "helper" you can see a smaller version that was my first attempt. It was just to small for my kids to play on at the same time.

So in all I spent $15 for the table, about $10 for the cutter, $5 for the plastic, $20 for paint.  So the table cost me $50 in all and I have the satisfaction of knowing I made something for my kiddos!

Monday, December 17, 2012

For Daddy

So this year my husband and I decided we have everything we want/need so we weren't going to exchange gifts this year and just focus on the kids. Somehow that seemed a little sad & I wanted to have something under the tree for him to open. So I started browsing Pinterest for homemade gifts for Dad and got some inspiration.

I decided to make him a picture of the kiddos. I have this super cool software called FX Home,, that uses a green screen. I wanted to use an old barn door for my background so I typed that into google images. Soooooo easy!

I cut the letters out of scrapbook paper, which I have an abundance of now that I primarily use Project Life to document but that's a whole other story!

The boys were good sports & I think it turned out pretty darn cute!