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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Where do you think you sprouted from?

One of my grandmother's favorite sayings is "where do you think you sprouted from?" She'll say it when she's admiring my sister's good looks, or when one of us does something extraordinary. If she pays me a compliment then I say it back to her, where do you think I sprouted from? So I got this idea on Pinterest of a generational photo with the oldest being the last picture,, but I thought given our family phrase I'd put my Grandma at the bottom, aka the seed we all sprouted from. Keep in mind if you use the same frame each time then you will most likely want to put the finished product in the same frame, wish I had used a nicer frame & that I had bought a few so that I could give copies to my mom, sister & grandma all in the same frame.

Add my beautiful mumsie to her beautiful mumsie. My mom is 1 of 4 girls but currently the only daughter that has the 4 girls generational line.

Throw in my sissy, who is by the way pregnant with her second daughter  in this picture.

And add my beautiful nice and viola...where do you think we sprouted from! It appears a bit blurry here but the finished product turned out great. If it had been cheaper I would have gone with 10 x 12's instead of 8 x 10's but I was still happy with the finished product, as was my Grandmother which was the most important part!

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