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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Making your very own art

I recently gave my kitchen a facelift by spray painting/painting a few key items. I went from bright reds to blues/greens. I had found this picture, well two of them actually, at a garage sale for $1. While it worked with the red theme it didn't look so hot with the blues/greens. I kept looking for something else in my new color scheme to fit in the space but had no luck.

Then I thought what if I just re-painted this perfectly usable canvas that doesn't match my decor any more anyways?

I got my inspiration from The

I spray painted on a coat of primer...
...then hit it with a coat of the blue I used in the kitchen.

Just started sponging on different shades of blues, greens, golds & browns. I used spray paint,  acrylic paint & leftover latex paint.

Picked this guy up at Hobby lobby & spray painted on dark blue swirls. When those dried I sponged some more to blur the swirls a little

Finished product! All with a recycled canvas & left over paint.

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