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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Jewelry Display

My MOPS group recently had a speaker who really inspired me. She wrote a book called Beautiful After Baby Part of her talk included how easily you could feel more beautiful with just a little jewelry. I already have a great system for my necklaces but needed something for my rings & earrings. I do have a plethora of beautiful scrapbook paper I'm afraid I will never get around to using so this is what I came up with... 

 I took a shoe box lid & a bunch of toilet paper & paper towel rolls. (I do have a stockpile closet where I save stuff like this because you just never know!)

 I cut the rolls all down to size to fit in the lid. 

Then I picked out some pretty pretty paper!

I believe that a woman can do anything with a hot glue gun & a drill so I pulled out my trusty glue gun and glued paper onto the lid. 

And then onto each of the rolls.

 Here's what they look like all cozied up together. 

And I know it's hard to see but here it is with my rings and earrings. LOVE!

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